History of Earth Day: How did we get here?

The 1960s: An Era Of Demanding Peace & Protection Of Earth

It started as an alliance between the government and its citizens more than half a century ago. Newfound environmental awareness motivated a small group of public actors to protect what they love. As a result, Earth Day lives on to inspire global action and educate each generation about our interconnectedness with Mother Nature.

A Sustainable Future: Advancing Climate Action

Where do we take the cause of Earth Day next? Many die-hard climate activists say, "every day is earth day." Whether we like how they say it, it is true! We are in a position today to make a sustainable future a reality.

The spirit of Earth Day is working together as a collective to change what we can & share best climate practices.

Climate solutions and activism are more accessible today than ever before. We have the luxury to 'join' a live stream climate march from the comfort of our couch and surf the web climate news 24/7. Yet we need the energy of the grassroots communities to make change happen. We can band together to resist the takeover of Earth Day as a consumer holiday.


Beware Of Greenwashing

Ironically, on a day promoting ‘reduce, reuse and recycle,’ brands bombard consumers with Earth Day deals for products we don’t need. Many brands co-opt sustainability to sell more products. C-suite executives are aware that consumers want to support environmentally and socially responsible companies, so they apply a ‘green wash’ to their goods, hoping they will be more attractive on the shelf.

Green-wash (verb): the act of misleading consumers regarding the environmental practices of a company or the environmental benefits of a product or service.



Earth Day Through The Ages


Earth Day Through The Ages 〰️


Earth Day History Key Events (in order of appearance)


Corporate Consumer Responsibility Defined


Tracking Climate Impact: CSR & ESG Explained